M.Collins/BAS South Georgia Whale Project Blue whales ... He said the planned exercises by Russian naval vessels was "not in any way a threat to Ireland or anybody else" and that no harm was ...
An Irish junior minister has written to the Russian ambassador to warn that planned naval exercises could threaten ... deep-diving and rarely-seen blue whale, sperm whale and beaked whales.” ...
Philip Hamilton, a senior scientist who leads a right whale research team at New England Aquarium, explains how researchers ...
The exercise is expected to involve a complex of training tasks, aimed at elimination of threats to national and public security of Russia," the statement says. The agency noted that the exercise ...
“These dead whales are grisly proof of the Navy’s dire ongoing threat to vulnerable marine mammals ... unaware of the collision, during military exercises with the U.S. Navy off the coast of San Diego ...
The Pentagon confirmed Wednesday the U.S. had secretly provided Ukraine with a long-range Army Tactical Missile System that ...
It said that during the test, the missile veered "off course" as it had done previously during simulated exercises on October ...
The Healey-Driscoll Administration is partnering with the New England Aquarium on Wednesday to celebrate Massachusetts’ ...
He added: “It looks like the topic of exercises fits in the ongoing propaganda campaign waged by the US and its Nato allies to create an illusion of a Russian threat to Ukraine. “I think we ...