A Homeschool Curriculum Like No Other

Master The Foundations of Liberty With Our Unique Homeschool Curriculum

A student who goes through this curriculum, kindergarten through high school, will have a mastery of the foundations of liberty. There is no other homeschool curriculum online like it.

Massive Savings For Families

No printed textbooks are required, saving families a lot of money. As you are well aware, textbooks cost a great deal of money and can really eat into your homeschool budget. Almost all of the materials are free: ink and paper only. Only when the materials are copyrighted and time-sensitive -- modern business and modern literature -- do parents pay for books.

Self-Taught Curriculum Gives You Time Freedom

The curriculum is mostly self-taught. If a student gets stuck, he can get help from other students on the course Q&A forums. Older students serve as tutors for younger students. They learn by teaching, which is a great way to master any new field.

Students Master Written Communication

This homeschool curriculum teaches students how to write. The teachers in the social sciences and humanities at the high school level have Ph.D. degrees. Both are successful writers. They are both successful businessmen. They will teach your children how to write effectively and fast.

Students start writing weekly essays in the fourth grade. They do not stop until they finish their final courses. I doubt that they will ever stop.

Hear Directly From Ron Paul Himself...

Essential Website Building Skills

Every high school student has to set up at least one website. Their weekly papers must be posted on their sites. This is crucial for self-education: public visibility. Students can see what the competition is doing. Most students hate this aspect of the curriculum, but it forces them to do their best with their writing assignments. Parents have an obligation to see to it that their children post their weekly papers. This is the #1 educational task for the parents.

The curriculum centers around the weekly essays. Parents should probably read them. If they want to grade them, that's fine. If they don't, that's also fine. But parents had better insist that their children post URL links to their posted weekly essays. These links must be posted on the course forums.

Our Curriculum Teaches Self Disclipline

No student who gets through this homeschool curriculum will ever need to be nagged to get through college, graduate school, or a career. This curriculum teaches self-discipline. This is a crucial personal habit. It is mostly internal. It develops after years of working in an environment that requires self-discipline.

Finish College Faster

For students who hustle, they will enter college as juniors. They will quiz out of their first two years of college for about $2,500, total (today's money, of course). They will get into the work force as college graduates two years before their peers do.

The man who teaches the public speaking course in grade 9 and the history and literature courses for grades 6 through 8 graduated from an accredited college on his 18th birthday. He paid for his own college education by working part time in his own home business. It cost him under $12,000. It can be done. I recommend it.

If you are a parent, this should get your attention. I think students should also be motivated. (I am assuming that students want to get out of school fast.)

I launched this site three months after my final day in Congress in January 2013. Under Congressional rules, I could not operate a business, even an educational one, while I was a member of Congress. Now I can.


What Does the Ron Paul Curriculum Cost?

It costs $250 a year for a family to join if it signs up for automatic annual billing. It costs $350 a year for manual billing. This does not include course costs ($50 each).

This does not mean that if you forget to tell us to cancel automatic billing, you are stuck. There is a 60-day money-back guarantee each academic year. But it does mean that if you cancel, and then you decide to re-join, you will have to pay the $350 fee.

Automatic billing locks in the $250 fee until your last child goes off to college -- or stays home, and earns a B.A. degree for under $15,000, total, through distance education -- which we usually recommend.

Then there are course fees: $50 per course.

We do offer two sample courses: introduction to phonics and introduction to mathematics. Each has 40 free lessons. Then, if you join and buy the courses, you get 140 additional lessons per course.

Tutorial forums. Access to the forums is free with membership.

The RPC does not sell the courses apart from membership. You must belong to the site in order to get the videos of the courses. The videos are not available to the general public.

Because the courses are video-based, and because these videos are not on YouTube or any video hosting service available to the general public, you must have a high speed Internet connection. The lessons must be viewed online. This is the arrangement I have negotiated with the course providers. This curriculum is not suitable if you do not have a high speed Internet connection.

If you have any questions, read frequently asked questions.

When you select a user id, you are selecting a user id for you, the parent. You will add your children's user ids after you register.

For a list of the courses, please see "Our Courses" in the top menu.

Every course comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Read my guarantee here. This gives the student plenty of time to take the Study Skills Course. Mastering the techniques presented in this course is important for academic success -- the earlier, the better.

The curriculum is mostly self-taught. If a student gets stuck, he can get help from other students on the course Q&A forums. Older students serve as tutors for younger students. They learn by teaching, which is a great way to master any new field.

What if you want to take a course on your own -- no children? It will cost you $50. But if you have paid for one of your children to take it, it's free to you for the full year of the course.

Students will be taught the basics of video production, website design, and Internet marketing. A few of them will have profitable businesses by the time they are 16.

One more time: if you have any questions, read frequently asked questions.

Read the guarantee: //www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/public/department23.cfm.

To enroll your family, click here