Actual flight time from Kingsford Smith Airport (SYD), Sydney, Australia to Port Columbus International Airport (CMH), Columbus, United States. Distance between SYD & CMH is approximately 15240 kilometers.


Flight time from SYD to CMH is 22 hours 49 minutes

RELATED: Flight time from Columbus to Sydney (all airports)

Sydney time is 14 hours ahead of Columbus

Current time in Sydney, Australia : Fri, 26 Apr, 2024,
Sydney Timezone: AEST (+10:00)

12:18 PM

Current time in Columbus, United States :, Thu, 25 Apr, 2024,
Columbus Timezone: EDT (-04:00)

10:18 PM

SYD - CMH Flight Duration • Sydney - Columbus Flight Time

How long is the flight from Kingsford Smith Airport to Port Columbus International Airport? What is the SYD - CMH flight duration? What is the flying time from Sydney to Columbus?

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