Ilhan Omar: If Trump lies about 'weather maps and crowd sizes,' he cannot be trusted with war powers
Ilhan Omar (Youtube)

On Monday, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) discussed the attack on Saudi oil facilities with CNN's Erin Burnett — and weighed in on the possibility of President Donald Trump using military force.

"Should a military strike be on the table right now as an option by the U.S. specifically, Congresswoman, or do you think no?" asked Burnett.

"Congress has the constitutional right to declare war," said Omar. "The president doesn't have it, secretary of state doesn't have it, and Saudi Arabia certainly doesn't have it. I think we need to make sure that the American people understand that this administration that lies about weather maps or crowd sizes cannot be trusted to give us the full information we need to be able to make a decision whether we should be going to war or not with Iran. We are not in a position to think about another endless war, and I really hope that my colleagues in Congress are going to pressure this administration to take a step back and figure out how we use diplomacy in the escalating situation."

"Now, congresswoman, we understand tonight that U.S. intelligence does believe the attack originated in Iran as well," said Burnett. "But are you comfortable with that, that when the president is asked whether he trusts Saudi Arabia's intelligence, 'oh, I think so, they want to find out also,' that he has confidence in their assessment?"

"I mean, this is a president, if you remember, Erin, who talked about how Saudi Arabia buys apartments from him and spends lots of money on his businesses and that's why he's friends with them," said Omar. "I think it's really important for us to remember that Saudi Arabia is actively engaged in war in Yemen. They attacked Yemen. The Houthis have taken responsibility on this particular attack."

"We have to be very cautious about the way that we move forward, and I think that's why it's important for Congress to be able to investigate and take the lead on whether it makes sense for us to engage," said Omar. "It's really important for us to remember this is a war — our intelligence is war-tainted towards Iran and, you know, we can't forget our involvement in Iraq, and how there are people who beat the drums of war and ultimately make us regret a decade or so later."

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