
Those who advocate reasonable measures to keep guns out of the hands of homicidal teenagers have a trust problem. Lawful gun owners don’t trust them and suspect that gun-control advocates won’t rest until they’ve banned and confiscated all guns. So gun owners fight every effort to “take their guns.”

Here’s an original idea that gun-control advocates should consider. A law requiring all gun-purchasers below the age of 21, 25 or 30 (pick one) must provide, prior to purchase, proof of completion of the National Rifle Association’s Gun Safety Seminar and Home Protection Course, and, depending on the type of firearm being purchased, either the NRA Basic Pistol Course, Basic Rifle Course or Basic Shotgun Course.

Think about it. Instead of endlessly fighting with the NRA and 2A community, gun control advocates could partner with them to establish a framework for self-policing and safety education by America’s gun owners and the industry that supports them. Instead of always being on the defensive, the NRA could take the lead in addressing America’s mass shooting problem without being a party to infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners. Include the opportunity, but not the obligation, for NRA instructors to red flag mentally unfit prospective gun owners.

To have any success, gun control advocates have to get off their high horse, stop demonizing the NRA and 2A community, and actually try to work with them. If you’re a gun control advocate, you should try it. What do you have to lose?

Barry Vaughan

El Jebel