Manama: A Bahraini lawmaker has called for not recruiting foreigners in the public sector, saying that there are Bahrainis qualified enough to be given the positions.

“It is not fair to recruit non-Bahrainis while Bahrainis are not given the same opportunity,” MP Ali Al Shamtoot said. “Employing non-Bahrainis is, in fact, a transgression of the laws and the constitution and all ministries that advertise abroad to recruit non-Bahrainis should be held accountable,” he said.

Social media reported there had been advertisements in some countries offering jobs to non-Bahraini nationals.

Under Bahraini law, the public sector must advertise for work openings in the local media before ads are placed in other countries. Foreigners who are recruited must possess advanced skills.

“There are Bahraini nationals with good skills in all areas, yet we see that many foreign consultants are being hired in the public sector,” the lawmaker, who was elected to the lower house of the bicameral parliament in 2010, said. “I call upon the government to monitor the hiring process and to ensure that Bahrainis take the positions,” he said.