Actual flight time from Denver International Airport (DEN), Denver, United States to Sweetwater County Airport (RKS), Rock Springs, United States. Distance between DEN & RKS is approximately 420 kilometers.


Flight time from DEN to RKS is 1 hour 6 minutes

United Airlines is one of the direct flight which takes 1 hour 6 minutes to travel from Denver International Airport (DEN) to Sweetwater County Airport (RKS)

 Return flight time from RKS to DEN

RELATED: Flight time from Rock Springs to Denver (all airports)

Direct flight time from Denver to Rock Springs by different airlines

Denver (DEN) ➝ Rock Springs (RKS) 1 hour 8 minutes United Airlines
Denver (DEN) ➝ Rock Springs (RKS) 1 hour 6 minutes United Airlines
Denver (DEN) ➝ Rock Springs (RKS) 1 hour 9 minutes United Airlines

Flight time from Denver International Airport to other airports near Rock Springs, United States

Direct flight and one stop flight time from Denver International Airport to airports nearest to Sweetwater County Airport is given in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
DEN - CPR Casper, WY, Natrona County International Airport 1 hr 7 mins Non-Stop
DEN - GJT Grand Junction, Walker Field Airport 58 mins Non-Stop
DEN - HDN Hayden, Yampa Valley Airport 54 mins Non-Stop
DEN - JAC Jackson, Jackson Hole Airport 1 hr 26 mins Non-Stop
DEN - LAR Laramie, General Brees Field Airport 49 mins Non-Stop

Time in Denver and Rock Springs are the same

Current time in Denver, United States : Thu, 25 Apr, 2024,
Denver Timezone: MDT (-06:00)

07:33 PM

Current time in Rock Springs, United States :, Thu, 25 Apr, 2024,
Rock Springs Timezone: MDT (-06:00)

07:33 PM

Airlines operating between Denver and Rock Springs

  • United Airlines

DEN - RKS Flight Duration • Denver - Rock Springs Flight Time

How long is the flight from Denver International Airport to Sweetwater County Airport? What is the DEN - RKS flight duration? What is the flying time from Denver to Rock Springs?

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