Tamkeen highlights initiatives to American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain

Press release
Published December 9th, 2014 - 04:40 GMT
Al Bawaba
Al Bawaba

Tamkeen highlighted its various support programmes aimed at developing Bahrainis and enterprises in the private sector to members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bahrain (AmCham Bahrain). The presentation was delivered by Mr. Esam Hammad, Enterprise Engagement Manager at Tamkeen, and focused on the organisation’s newly-developed customised support packages to serve the various segments of the private sector, in line with its ongoing efforts to improve customer service, enhance quality, and maximise impact.

Background Information


Tamkeen is a public authority established in August 2006, tasked with supporting Bahrain’s private sector and positioning it as the key driver of economic growth and development. Tamkeen is one of the cornerstones of Bahrain’s national reform initiatives and Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030.

Tamkeen has two primary objectives - firstly, foster the development and growth of enterprises, and second provide support to enhance the productivity and training of the national workforce. To achieve these objectives -Tamkeen’s 2018-2020 strategy focuses on Diversifying offerings, Accelerate delivery and Sustaining Impact.

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