Given below is the flight time from Peoria, IL, United States to Newcastle, Australia. Flight time calculator to calculate time taken to reach Newcastle from Peoria, IL by air. The nearest airport to Peoria, IL is Greater Peoria Airport (PIA) and the nearest airport to Newcastle is Williamtown Airport (NTL)

Peoria, IL

Flight time from Peoria, IL to Newcastle is 21 hours 49 minutes

Not looking for Newcastle, Australia?

Number of Airports in Newcastle : 1 Medium Airport  
Number of Airports in Peoria, IL : 1 International Airport

Distance Between Peoria, IL, United States & Newcastle, Australia is 14580 Kilo Meters

Flight time from Peoria, IL, United States to airports near Newcastle, Australia

Direct flight and one stop flight time from Greater Peoria Airport, Peoria, IL to airports nearest to Newcastle is given in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
PIA - SYD Sydney, Kingsford Smith Airport 23 hrs 30 mins 1 Stop

This page shows Peoria, IL, United States to Newcastle, Australia. To change cities, click link below.

Peoria, IL time is 15 hours behind Newcastle

Current time in Peoria, IL, United States : Fri, 26 Apr, 2024,
Peoria, IL Timezone: CDT (-05:00)

06:00 AM

Current time in Newcastle, Australia :, Fri, 26 Apr, 2024,
Newcastle Timezone: AEST (+10:00)

09:00 PM

Flight Time between Peoria, IL & Newcastle • PIA - NTL Flight Duration

How long is the flight from Peoria, IL to Newcastle? What is the Peoria, IL - Newcastle flight duration? What is the flying time from Peoria, IL to Newcastle? Find answer to these questions...

PIA to NTL Flight - Peoria, IL Airport to Newcastle Airport Flight Route Map

The airports map below shows the location of Peoria, IL Airport & Newcastle Airport. Know the flight direction and Peoria, IL to Newcastle flight path

Peoria, IL - Lat: 40.6659, Long: -89.6905
Newcastle - Lat: -32.795, Long: 151.834

Find flight time from Greater Peoria Airport or Peoria, IL or any other airport or city in United States to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

Find flight time from Greater Peoria Airport or Peoria, IL or any other airport or city in United States to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

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