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The United States Healthcare industry generates a tremendous volume of data every day. This includes everything from Electronic Health Records (EHR) to medical imaging to genomic sequencing. All this data assists healthcare practitioners with having access to as much data as they need to deliver the best possible care to patients. However, with this immense quantity of data, there comes tremendous challenges as well. Having data from a variety of sources creates a lack of standardized data structures. And the use of different technologies contributes to the complication of unifying healthcare data in a manner that can be effectively and efficiently utilized by healthcare practitioners.

One Healthcare Innovator is an integral part of the solution to these long standing issues. Ashwini Pai, a leading healthcare engineer, has driven key initiatives with the use of Big Data Analytics that has allowed for streamlined data collection. Thus, simplifying how data is accessed by healthcare organizations, boosting efficiency, cutting organizational costs, and ultimately leading to better care for patients.

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