Pioneer Productions is back with a new play reading series on Thursday, April 4, in Morristown

Pioneer Productions Company of Morristown, who brought Neil Simon’s "Lost in Yonkers" to downtown Morristown last fall, is back with a new play reading series at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, at the Morristown & Morris Township Library, at 1 Miller Road in Morristown.

Pioneer Productions Company of Morristown, who brought Neil Simon’s "Lost in Yonkers" to downtown Morristown last fall, is back with a new play reading series at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, at the Morristown & Morris Township Library, at 1 Miller Road in Morristown.

The local nonprofit community theater company has partnered with the Morristown & Morris Township Library to launch a New Play Reading Series that will include a night of original short plays by renowned local playwrights from New Jersey and the surrounding areas. Plays will be performed by some of Pioneer’s most talented actors in an intimate setting designed to facilitate meaningful interaction between the audience, the actors, and the playwrights.

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