An incident between a dean of students at Parkside Intermediate School in San Bruno and a student after school Tuesday, March 12, is sparking concern with what some described as an overall hostile and unsafe learning environment. 

In a letter sent to families within the San Bruno Park School District Wednesday, Superintendent Matthew Duffy said that administration’s “examination of the situation will be comprehensive, to ensure that it is addressed appropriately.” Duffy called it a student discipline situation, while others speaking out at a school board meeting later that night contend it was more than that.

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(8) comments

Dirk van Ulden

This has more to do with sanctioned disruptive behavior by students. Until the school administration shows some spine and stands up for teachers, we will continue to see these devastating developments. Good luck America with these punks on the playground running the show!

Not So Common

Public education is not interested in positive results, they are interested in the dues paid by teachers, so the union can suck on the wealthy breast of the CA government and Federal government. Students are pawns


We need school choice.


Yeah, let's pull more money out of public schools and fund more religious schools. That'll solve everything!


Don't pull money "out of public schools." Let parents keep their education dollar and spend it where they want. As for religious schools you don't have to enroll if you don't want to. It is all a matter of choice.

Not So Common

Westy, have you heard of CHOICE???????????? If liberals want to continue sending their fetuses and un-aborted children to failing public schools they can do so. If the same liberals want to sent their children to a better public school than their district's default school that's not infested with degenerate violent children, drug dealers, and poor teachers they can. If the same liberals want to send their children to a private school that has values, principles and high success rates they can. It's called CHOICE

Terence Y

“More than 50 students participated in a protest in front of school Monday, March 18, missing class and gathering to call for the removal of the administrators.” Yes, missing class (held for their benefit) will really teach those administrators. If anything, it’ll show administrators what a toxic learning and working environment is. I hope administrators take note of these protestors and put notes in their files. For future reference should one of these protestors request a reference, or even if they don’t.


Prosecute Nagy.

Career over.

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