Texarkana storms down trees, cause crashes, and power outages

TEXARKANA, Texas - Utility crews are still working to restore power to hundreds of homes after a storm brought strong winds and heavy rains to the Texarkana area.

The storm downed trees and power lines and led to vehicle crashes across the region.

The severe weather toppled large trees across roadways on both sides of the state line.

Crews say it took a couple of hours to clear away a tree on Buchanan Road.

SWEPCO restored power to about 17,000 customers Tuesday in Texarkana.

Texarkana, Texas police spokesman Shawn Vaughn says they stayed busy responding to numerous calls for vehicle crashes.

"Anytime we have these power outages, and the street lights are out, the thing to remember is these become a four way stop. It may take everyone a little bit longer to get through the light, but everyone should treat it like a four way stop and then continue on your way," said Vaughn.

No injuries were reported during the storm.

If you have photos / videos of any damage or flooding please do not hesitate to send them to any of our social media platforms or you can send them to Pics@KTBS.com


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