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Matthew Mitchell

Early this month, a rumor flew that Estonia’s prime minister, Kaja Kallas, would be the new head of NATO. It turned out to be an April Fool’s joke, but I’m guessing Vladimir Putin didn’t find it funny. The tough-talking Kallas has been outspoken about Russian belligerence, often comparing the war in Ukraine to what the Soviet Union once did to her country. In response, Russia has issued a warrant for her arrest.

However, Estonia is an inconvenient neighbor for another reason. It’s an uncomfortable reminder to Russians of what could have been. It also reminds Americans that we must preserve a free economy in an era when populism and socialism are popular.

Matthew D. Mitchell is a senior fellow with the Fraser Institute, a senior research fellow with the Knee Center at West Virginia University and an affiliated senior scholar with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He wrote this column for

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