Avery reading cards

Avery reading cards in the hospital from peers and community members.


One year after surviving a life-altering attack, Pinecrest senior Avery Slatcher, 18, is hosting a blood drive to bring a positive spin to the anniversary of the event.

On April 28, 2023, Slatcher fought for her life after being stabbed over 20 times in the parking lot adjacent to Robert E. Lee auditorium at Pinecrest High School before school started. 

Avery with Kate

Avery with her sister, Kate. 

Avery Recovery

In August, UNC Hospitals gave awards to the medical and school personnel who helped save Avery. In front is her mom, Kristi; sister, Olivia; Avery; sister, Kate and Matthew. 


Avery Sign

Neighbors set up a sign outside of Avery’s home the day she left the hospital. 


Avery with sister

Avery with her youngest sister, Olivia. 

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DG Smith

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