MOMENCE — The streets of Momence again will hit the small screen at 8 p.m. Sunday as the FX network airs the Season 4 premiere of “Fargo.”

Some scenes of the anthology drama were shot in the “old bordertown” streets of Momence. The series started shooting parts of its fourth season, set in 1950 Kansas City, Mo., on Oct. 15 in Momence. The film crew transformed a block of Washington Street from Dixie Highway east to the post office into 1950 Kansas City. Filming occurred at the former Jensen Drugstore building. A chase scene also was filmed on Maple Street.

The fourth season of “Fargo” centers on two syndicates who are fighting for a piece of the American Dream, albeit with a criminal element, and have struck an uneasy peace, according to the network’s website. Together they control the alternate economy of graft, exploitation and drugs.