Coronavirus testing in Leesburg

A medical provider gives a COVID-19 test during a county-sponsored testing event in Leesburg in May 2020.

Health officials are pointing to the coronavirus Delta variant as the source of an increase in new COVID-19 cases in Loudoun County, which is now averaging about 30 cases per day, up from about four cases per day in June, according to a July 26 release.

VDH Loudoun County COVID-19 cases

(1) comment

J Smith

The government's own statistics on COVID survival rate by age:

0-14 survival is 99.9998%

15-44 survival is 99.9931%

45-64 survival is 99.9294%

65-85 survival is 99.6297%

Over 85 survival is 98.2499%

Does anyone else feel like we're not getting the whole story on COVID?

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