Basic income can ensure the big society, supporters claim

Supporters of the citizens’ basic income say people must have the funds to take part in society fully
Supporters of the citizens’ basic income say people must have the funds to take part in society fully

Paying everyone in Scotland more than £200 a week from public funds would vastly reduce poverty and allow people to participate fully in society, it has been claimed.

A group set up to assess the feasibility of introducing pilots for a citizens’ basic income (CBI) has suggested two payment levels: a lower rate more in line with benefit payments — between £85 and £167 per week — and a higher rate, based on what would allow recipients to take part in sports and other events, of up to £213 per week.

Trials in Canada and Finland have suggested that a basic income could improve health and wellbeing without denting labour market participation.

The SNP backed the idea of a basic income in 2016.

At Holyrood’s