Name: Josh Langston
Age: 32
Occupation: Accountant
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Start Weight: 340 pounds
End Weight: 230 pounds
Time Cycling: 2 years

I’ve been heavy or chubby most of my life, but I would have to say the main culprits that pushed my weight to 340 pounds were working a desk job 50 hours a week, ignoring my diet, and drinking lots of alcohol. Typically in social settings, alcohol and food go hand in hand, so the more I drank, the more I ate, and that was pretty much how I lived my life.

In the spring of 2016, I began having severe anxiety attacks coupled with years of untreated high blood pressure. Because I didn’t have a history of these anxiety attacks, I was taken to the emergency room one night where the assumption was that I was having some sort of cardiac episode due to my severe obesity. I hadn’t even turned 30 yet; this was not where I was supposed to be.

It was several months before I learned the symptoms I was experiencing—shortness of breath, dizzy spells, irregular, pounding heartbeat—were signs of severe anxiety, and could be calmed by regular cardiovascular exercise.

After my stay at the hospital, I searched for some form of exercise that would get my heart rate up, but not be too hard on my knees. Initially, I had no interest in spin classes or cycling, but I had gone to a couple of spin classes with my wife here and there over time. What drew me in, though, was those classes were in mostly dark rooms with loud techno music where no one could really see you or judge you.

I was so self-conscious in class about my form, about my size, about my sweat. But after a few classes, I learned that nobody’s watching. Everyone’s struggling just like you, and if they are watching, give them a show.

It was about six months before I started riding outdoors. What helped me was from the moment I started riding outdoors, I had a specific event I was training for: the MS 150 ride in Texas in April 2017. A friend of mine, Yamin, suggested we sign up, so we started riding our mountain and hybrid bikes at organized rides, going 50 to 60 miles at a time to prepare.

Having a set goal in mind gave me the focus I needed to ride on days when I didn’t always feel like it, or to put that second slice of pizza down when I really wanted it.

That’s something that also changed: my diet. I found that my main weakness wasn’t necessarily my choice in foods, but the quantity I was consuming. My wife is a fantastic cook, and I can’t say no to a pizza or burger any day of the week. So I found that watching the amount of food I ate each day, and giving myself a cheat day each week gave me the slow but steady results I was looking for.

[Find 52 weeks of tips and motivation, with space to fill in your mileage and favorite routes, with the Bicycling Training Journal.]

In addition to the weight loss, I see a definite improvement in my mood and even my cognitive functions after a moderately intense 45-minute ride. I find I’m much more patient at work and more loving at home when I’ve had a chance to get my heart pumping and spin my legs out.

With two months left in the year, my short-term goal is to cut 30 pounds by January, so I can hit the road in Spring 2019 leaner and lighter than ever. My friend Yamin recently suggested we sign up for the Red Bull Last Stand in San Antonio, Texas.

For anyone going through this journey right now or wanting to, my advice to you is don’t get hung up with the number on the scale; it fluctuates daily. Get comfortable with the idea that it may take you years to get where you want to be in regards to fitness, but you will get there if you give it the time and stay focused.

Also, be real about what you’re putting in your body. You don’t need to switch to salads and water all day every day. Just be honest with yourself, but also forgive yourself when you decide to have some beers with the guys or some pizza late at night. Live a little and choose to be happy. Forgive yourself when you fall short and reward yourself when you win.


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