Roy Exum: Why Impeach Trump?

  • Monday, January 11, 2021
  • Roy Exum
Roy Exum
Roy Exum

If what happened in Washington on Wednesday had occurred this time a year ago, not only would I have contributed to some “Dump Trump” campaign, I would have put a bumper sticker on my car. There is no way that any of us in the United States could have predicted Donald Trump’s horrid behavior after Joe Biden’s November victory.

Far worse was Trump sicing his Heinz 57 varieties of followers like they were attack dogs on our nation’s Capital. I believe it will turn out to be undoubtedly one of the blackest days in America’s history.

This is most assuredly not the same man who I, and over 74 million others, had hoped would become reelected. It is so bad you wonder if this man has fallen and landed on his head. And you wonder why “unprecedented” was picked as the Word of the Year? I’m telling you; it is now the Word of the Day.

What bothers me is why should we spend a lot of time and money to impeach Trump? In nine days, both nature and the laws of man will have run the prescribed course. Biden will be inaugurated along with Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump is through. Is that all the impeachment proceedings are for, just to embarrass Trump and heighten the ridicule?

I want to think the people are “bigger” than that. Despite Trump’s horrible actions where he has bullied all in his path, increasingly in this past six months, and even humiliated Vice President Mike Pence for doing the right thing, makes for some hard decisions, yet I hope 10 years from now people will recall the good things he did while in office.

C’mon, there is no way our elected Republicans and Democrats can impeach Trump and nail him to the side of a barn in nine days. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Sunday that the House plans to vote this week to impeach President Trump – perhaps as soon as Tuesday – but rather than put a damper on the inauguration, it will take weeks and maybe months for the House to pass it to the Senate.

The Senate won’t even be in session until Jan. 19, the day before the inauguration. An impeachment is in government what an indictment is in a court of law. It’s much like the Grand Jury indicting a criminal suspect, but the action doesn’t get tense until the documents are passed to the Senate. Clyburn said that might take awhile because Biden’s “First 100 Days” is vitally important. How much of the taxpayers’ money should we spend on bashing Trump when our nation needs more Band-Aids than ever? Our wounds need time for treatment and to heal. And that includes Donald Trump.

After all, it is unprecedented.

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You will recall the summer riots were so badly managed that few, if any, of the criminal rioters were ever dealt with in a proper way. But last week when America’s faux brave besieged the nation’s Capital building, the thugs found out there were new rules in the game. About 58-60 rioters were arrested on the spot. This riot didn’t just happen; the first 60 arrested came from 24 states.

Better yet, playtime is over. "We are far from done. The rioting and destruction we saw will not be tolerated by the FBI ... We will continue to investigate all allegations of criminal activity," said Steven D'Antuono, assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington office. "Just because you've left the D.C. region, you can still expect a knock on the door if we find out that you were part of the criminal activity at the Capitol."

For example, when Nashville bartender Eric Munchel was photographed leaping over a handrail with a fistful of plastic restraints, “the tape man” was wearing a face hood and a body camera. But when he drove back to Nashville this weekend, he had no more than hit the city limits when a swarm of cop cruisers – Metro, Highway Patrol, FBI, TBI and more, surrounded him before heavily-armed officers took him to the clink with serious charges.

Arizonan Jacob A. Chansley, a.k.a. “The Bear Man,” who strutted through the halls of Congress with his Vikings helmet with the cow horns and wearing a bearskin, was arrested in Arizona and Adam Johnson from Parrish, Fla., who delighted in lifting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s lectern, was shackled by the Pinellas Co. Sheriff’s Department

Nick Ochs, the co-founder of the Hawaii Proud Boys, was met at the airport by a formidable posse and immediately returned to Washington in not quite the way he had arrived. Richard Barnett, a contractor from Arkansas, loved the cameo of him sitting back in Nancy Pelosi’s office with his feet crossed on Madame Speaker’s desk, but not nearly as much as the authorities who came calling. Derrick Evans, just elected to the Virginia legislature, found out that means nothing – he .. er, resigned from his legislative position via pay phone.

Lonnie Coffman of Falkville, Ala. (near Huntsville), was caught with 11 Molotov cocktail bombs – ready to go, along with his M4 carbine and two handguns. Lonnie, age 70, says his Molotov cocktails – glass bottles filled with gasoline that easily break on contact with a hard surface and ignite due to a flaming ‘wick’ – are the best. He told arresting officers he adds liquid plastic to the mix so it will stick to the victim.

These are the kind who should be jailed for a long time.

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